We’ve all had those questions before...

Let’s talk about it 🙂

In this event — hosted by Pave — we want to talk about all of these questions and more, in our first-ever virtual panel on this topic.

When is it?

April 1st, 9-10 AM PST, over Zoom! All are welcome!

⏭️ Sign up and add questions **here** ⏮️

Here’s who you’ll hear from:

👉 Panelist: David Hoang, Director of Design @ Webflow

David is the Director of Design at Webflow, and we also teach together at On Deck (and before that, General Assembly), where he runs an amazing program on design management. David has not just hired designers in droves across his past few roles, he’s also mentored a ton of designers in thinking about how to negotiate for better compensation. He also angel invests, so understands the nuances of how to negotiate equity or advisory shares for design work from that angle.

Perspective he brings: hiring manager hiring designers, negotiating your compensation as a leader, angel investing + advisory compensation

👉 Panelist: Amina Moinuddin, Head of Talent @ Hightouch